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  My Pictures

Sleepover in Aja's bed!

Spank her ass Aja!

Lesbian Love Shack Baby!!!!
Rock that Bed


So you may notice that there really aren't any people in these photos it would be because I took them at like 8 Sunday morning after a huge party by Zetes Psi.
I don't quite have all the buildings yet I was a li'l lazy and didn't want to walk down to all the frats, up to the hockey rink or over to the admissions so I get them later and post them.

My side of the room

Aja's side of the room

My roomates Aja (Asia) and Colleen

Colleen and Aja

My home! Bray Hall

The new dorm everyone on campus wanted to get into, Barton "Hotel".

Cary Hall, the only all guys dorm on campus and none of them wanted to be there ; )

The gazebo gathering grounds in the middle of all the dorms. The building behind the gazebo is our commons/cafeteria.

The rest of the dorms...

Rensselaer Society of Engineers, frat house

Another view of the RSE

The Union, another commons area, where they put on concerts, murder mysteries...

and where all the campus clubs are housed.

The Mueller Fitness Center.

The Mueller Center is the newest building on campus, finished last school year.

The money to build the Mueller Center was again from a multi-million dollar donation from a single alumni.

There is almost anything you would ever want to do inside, multiple basketball courts, indoor track, weight lifting equipment...

The Mueller Center is attached to an old Military Armory building which also houses more fitness stuff.

From the dorms and fitness side of campus you have to go across the skybridge to get to all the more academic buildings on campus.

The Low Center is where a number of recitation classes take place.

Low is also where I have one set of lectures for my Minds and Machines class (all about Artifical Intelligence).

To the left of the Low building is the Playhouse.

The Playhouse is home of the actors and actresses on campus and the theater.

To the right of Low, is the Quad, the housing for the upperclassmen if they choose to live on campus.

If you continue down the walkway by Low you turn and look across the '86 field where all the football games are played.

And across the field to the '87 Gym

Next to the '87 Gym is the Ricketts Building,

and also the Troy Building.

Troy and Ricketts

Troy, Ricketts, the '87 Gym and the '86 field.

Okay so one more of the field.

Looking back to Low in the center on the right, and to the far right the Jonsson Rowland Engineering Center.

If you continue past the field you come to the wonderful architecture art, don't ask me what it is. It moves in the wind and it's sorta kewl so..yeah

And of course the the Arch Art this is the Greene building, the Architecture building. (I love the ivy it's all over).

Inbetween Greene, Sage, Walker and Eaton there is a kewl little courtyard and there is this large bronze seal of the school.

Sage is where a number of the larger lectures are, guest lectures etc..

The front of Sage, haha this would be where I just spent my last Minds and Machines class watching the Matrix!

Walker, oh the kewl Chem labs!!

hehe yep this is Walker again and my class is like in the upper right corner of the building.

Swinging around back in a circle across the courtyard is Amos Eaton, Eaton.

Eaton is where most of the calc lectures take place.

If you continue on past Eaton you'll come to the Folsom Library.

Coming back closer to the dorms, just beyond Folsom, is Voorhees Computin Center.

I think this is one of the kewlest buildings on campus...'s an old church, still with all the stained glass windows but once you go inside it is totally wired for computers ; )

Continuing back toward the skybridge you come to the Jonsson Rowland Science Center...

...where my physics class is, where all the optics, nuclear engineering, eye and ageing research etc are going on.

Of course it's also where the observatory is ; )

Turning around you now see the Low building, the Darrin Communication Center and the Jonsson Rowland Engineering Center.

From the Science Center looking over the DCC to Low.

Continuing yet farther back toward the skybridge you come to the Health Center which is located right next to the Playhouse.

I'm looking into joining the RPI Ambulance so I can work with other students doing all the EMS services on campus, get into all all the hockey games and football games with them etc... plus they will pay for my EMT certification! But I don't get to take that class until next semester because it's full right now :(

Okay now remember all the way back to the Mueller Center, well the Mueller Center is attached to the Armory and the Armory (left) is also attached to the Robinson Pool.

The Armory contains a number of fitness things too, including the climbing wall! And the storage rooms for the outing club (which I am a part of) and a number of other ROTC, Karate, Fencing etc.

And this is just a kewl building too : )

Then just back across the street to the dorms and that's about the end of the tour.